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LAUSD Volunteer Application
NEW volunteer application process
Any person interested in participating in a school’s volunteer program, including continuing volunteers, LAUSD employees, community members and interns, must complete the online volunteer application on the School Volunteer Management System. A volunteer can access the online registration process and application at https://volunteerapp.lausd.net.
If a person does not have access to the necessary technology to complete the online volunteer application, the school may designate an employee to assist in completing and submitting the online application on the person’s behalf. Volunteers serving at more than one LAUSD school must have a completed online application, printed and signed, for each school before they can begin service.Once on the registration site, the prospective volunteers will be required to enter their names and valid email accounts. The prospective volunteer will receive email notification to complete the registration process, including the creation of an account password.
Once the online volunteer application is completed, it should then be submitted electronically. Both the application and Volunteer Commitment Form should be printed, signed and delivered to the principal or the principal’s designee.
A volunteer for a single event that takes place for the duration of one day only does not need to submit an application but must be checked by a school administrator against the California Megan’s Law online database at http://www.meganslaw.ca.gov.
Online Application Review – submitted by the school
The school must review (ensure required fields are completed) and submit the online application for all individuals applying to become certified volunteers. The school principal must confirm and verify that the volunteer has met all requirements, including:
  • Online application, printed and signed
  • Signed Volunteer Commitment Form
  • Megan’s Law clearance
  • Tuberculosis test clearance
  • Fingerprinting (when applicable)
Additional Guidelines
  • The principal or certificated designee must review and approve each volunteer application by logging into the School Volunteer Management System and checking the appropriate boxes.
  • The principal and/or designee must indicate the following:
    • Where the volunteer will be assigned
    • The type of supervision required
    • How many hours the person will serve on a weekly basis
  • The online application, printed and signed, must be kept on file at the school for five years.
  • School volunteers are required to sign in at the school office upon entering the campus and sign out when they exit the campus. Schools must require volunteers to leave their volunteer badges at the school when not in use.
  • The principal, the principal’s administrative designee, or other assigned staff must submit the application by logging in to the School Volunteer Management System using their employee single sign-on (SSO) account and verify all clearances/requirements have been met. District approved staff include:
    • Assistant Principals
    • English Learner Designees
    • Categorical Programs Advisors
    • School Administrative Assistants
    • Community Representative
    • Parent Resource Liaison
    • Parent Resource Assistant
  • No person may provide volunteer service until all necessary clearances are verified by the school principal, the volunteer has signed a copy of the online application and the Volunteer Commitment Forms, and a volunteer badge is issued by the Parent Community Student Services Branch. The badges are sent to the school for school personnel to distribute to volunteers.
  • Once a person receives the volunteer badge, the volunteer is approved to provide services at that specific school.