Belmont Senior High Home

Home of the Sentinels
football field

About Us

Belmont is located in the Belmont Zone of Choice and is a historic part of the West Lake/Echo Park neighborhood. Belmont is rich with tradition and has been a staple of the community since 1923. Belmont also offers a variety of activities to our students, from athletics to the academics. There are currently 12 sport teams, 15+ clubs, and 10 AP courses offered. The school is also comprised of three unique academies that foster the futures of our students and encourage a career path. The schools mascot is Sammy the Sentinel and the school colors are green and black.

News & Announcements

Coffee With The Principal / Cafe con el Director

Friday, January 24 at 9 AM
Information and Updates
Annual School Goals and Budget Consulation
Socio-Emotional Resource
Viernes, enero 24 a las 9 de la mañana
I n f o r m a c i ó n y A c t u a l i z a c i o n e s
M e t a s E s c o l a r e s A n u a l e s y
C o n s u l t a P r e s u p u e s t a r i a
R e c u r s o S o c i o e m o c i o n a l

Belmont HS School Closure Wednesday, January 8, 2024

Due to air quality concerns, Belmont HS will close school today. Students will be released to Parent/Guardian through the front entrance of the school. Please bring photo identification. Students 18 years of age or older may be released without Parent/Guardian, but will need to sign out.



Our Mission

We aim to empower Belmont graduates to become independent and confident members of society, who are college and career ready with 21st century skills.
"Enter to Learn, Flourish and Grow, Go Forth to Serve"