College Center » Navigating the Path to College

Navigating the Path to College

Although there are many people and resources to assist you along the way, the path to college ultimately begins and ends with YOU. By being proactive, you hold the key to achieving your future goals and dreams. What does one need to know about college and how does one begin? Let’s start with a list of important steps for high school students to take in order to best prepare for a four-year college or university:
  1. Take challenging coursework in high school.
  2. Earn the best possible academic grades you can in your courses.
  3. Get involved outside of the classroom.
  4. Prepare for and do your best on college admissions exams (ACT, SAT).
  5. Allow the Belmont faculty and staff to get to know you.
  6. Attend College Fairs and other college-related activities such as campus field trips.
  7. Speak to college representatives and ask any questions you may have.
  8. Research information about colleges using the Internet, books, and resource guides.
  9. Be willing to explore all options available to you.
  10. Visit the College Office on a regular basis and communicate with the college counselor.
The list may seem long and intimidating but as the saying goes, “nothing in this world worth having comes easy.” The good news is that you have time to work on each of the items listed above and the more you do so, the more you ensure your chances of college success. One additional piece of advice is to establish an appropriate email account and check it regularly. Almost every college and university communicates primarily through email and online accounts so it is important to have access to the Internet on a consistent basis.

Finally, since the path to college depends on YOU, it’s vital to know who you are