College Center » Standardized Testing

Standardized Testing

One of the most stressful aspects of college admissions is the standardized exams, such as the SAT or ACT, that are required by most four-year colleges and universities. However, these exams are NOT the most important component of one’s college application although for many schools, they do play a role in the entire admissions process. What exactly are the SAT and ACT? There are several differences between the two exams but the fundamental difference is that the SAT is more of an aptitude test, measuring a student’s reasoning or critical thinking skills whereas the ACT is an achievement test, measuring a student’s knowledge of subject matter covered in high school. Which test should you take? Since most colleges accept scores from either exam, it is generally recommended to take both.

In order to register for the SAT or ACT, you need to do so online. Each exam generally costs around $50 but if you are eligible for a fee waiver, you can take both exams for free. Stop by the College Office to pick up a fee waiver and register for the exam(s).

Go to to create an account for the College Board. To find out more about the SAT, including practice questions, test-taking tips, and registration information, go to To register for the ACT, create an account on the ACT website at

Registering for the SAT and ACT by the regular deadline is extremely important and you cannot use a fee waiver after the deadline date.

Finally, it is imperative that you prepare yourself for the actual exam. Your preparation can range from knowing BASIC TEST-TAKING TIPS to accessing FREE PRACTICE ONLINE RESOURCES or using PREPARATION BOOKS FOR SELF-STUDY and taking PREPARATION COURSES.